
Going through a divorce or separation is an incredibly difficult time, with plenty of emotions and anxieties involved. When you consider the added pressure of having to arrange your finances, things can feel even more overwhelming. But don’t worry – that’s where we’re here to help.

We’re specialists in supporting people (financially and otherwise) throughout their divorce proceedings. We understand the challenges, but we also understand the opportunities, and we’re here to help you make sense of them both. Together we’ll navigate your divorce and its financial implications, tackle the issues that arise and provide clarity about your situation.

It may be the end of one chapter, but it’s the beginning of another – and we aim to help you emerge in a comfortable, confident position on the other side.

Supporting you into a new chapter in life

Here’s how we can help…

Help with your immediate needs

We’ll help you address the immediate financial obligations such as bills, mortgages, and children, ensuring they’re taken care of in a way that’s as amicable as possible.

Understanding your pension

You may be confused as to what happens to your pension, or have little knowledge of it at all. We’ll help you understand its value in the context of divorce, and what it means for your retirement.

Planning for the future

We’ll plan for you to maintain your preferred lifestyle as much as possible, and make adjustments where necessary for minimal disruption to your new life.

Working with your solicitor

We’ll work closely with your solicitor throughout the process. We have years of experience of working with legal professionals, which helps prevent hurdles and miscommunications.

An understanding ear

We’re not just here to give you a solution and send you on your way. We’re proud of our relationship-focused service and will support you however we can – even if it’s just to listen.

What our clients say

I would like to thank EBS and their staff for providing an excellent service, making the minefield of my various pensions seem like an easy task and for keeping me updated on the progress. I would not hesitate in recommending them to anyone looking for pension advice.

Trust and expertise were my key needs for re-establishing my financial portfolio following a divorce. The replacement life cover and complete evaluation of my pension goals were perfectly designed and implemented to suit my changed circumstances. Well done EBS!

Honest and comprehensive financial advice given with no pressure to buy any products. Reasonable fees for advice and ongoing costs. Very happy with the services given.

Many thanks for taking so much time to meet and discuss our retirement funding plans with us yesterday. The detail of the analysis was very impressive, and you and your staff are to be congratulated on a very professional job.

Our grateful acknowledgements are due for the advice and support proffered by the EBS team and everyone we met at entry, all very courteous, personable and a pleasure to meet.

The ‘Portfolio Report’ that EBS offers has made understanding and managing the family budget so much simpler. It gives a detailed summary and breakdown of our overall financial position, which is so helpful when cross-referencing it.

Thank you for your very comprehensive letter and schedules.... I must reiterate my thanks for all you have done for me.

Many thanks indeed to you and EBS for doing your very best for me. I know I am in safe hands with you. It really is very much appreciated!

I would also like to thank you all for the work in getting this organised for us. I know it has not been easy but I really appreciate it all.

FR, Lanark

JS, Glasgow

IM, Dunbartonshire

RS, Biggar

BW, Skelmorie

MP, Glasgow

BA, Salisbury

MR, Glasgow

NM, Glasgow

Get in touch

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    You voluntarily choose to provide personal details to us via this website. Personal information will be treated as confidential by us and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You agree that such personal information may be used to provide you with details of services and products in writing, by email or by telephone. By submitting this information you have given your agreement to being contacted by us.