Where are meetings held?

Meetings can be held at our office in Lanark or remotely with video calling. We can also travel to meet clients at their businesses and homes.

Do you have parking?

Yes, there is free parking outside our office for 2 hours.

Do I have to pay for the first meeting?

We do not charge for the first meeting.

What do I need to bring to my first meeting?

We find that having the following information to hand at our first meeting, helps our discussions:

  • Up-to-date bank statements or details of account balances
  • Recent pension and investment statements
  • Policy details/statements for any other plans you may hold, including life policies
  • State Pension forecast – can be obtained online https://www.gov.uk/check-state-pension
  • Details of all income sources, including amounts received and frequency
  • Details of your current expenditure and how much income you would like in retirement, if relevant
  • Copy of your Will and details of any Power of Attorney in place
  • Passport and driving licence (for identity verification purpose)

How long should I allow for the first meeting?

Typically, an hour.

Do I have to sign up to your services at the first meeting?

Absolutely not!

How can I book a meeting?

Please call our office on 01555 678900.

Are you independent?

Yes. Being independent financial planners places no restrictions on the providers and solutions we can recommend to our clients.

What happens if my financial planner is away on holiday?

We have a highly qualified and experienced support team within EBS who are always there to help our clients.

What do you charge?

It depends on your situation, you can find out more information on our Fee page here.

Our initial contact is about us getting to know you and understand your circumstances. Following our initial discussions, we would provide you with our fee proposal, which is based on a fair representation of the extent of the work involved.

Do you take a percentage or are your fees fixed?

This is dependent on the type of work involved, you can find out more information on our Fee page here.

Our fees will be confirmed in our fee proposal, prior to any work taking place.

Do you charge VAT?

Yes, in some cases we do charge VAT. We will confirm in our fee proposal if VAT is payable.

Get in touch

    How would you like to be contacted?

    You voluntarily choose to provide personal details to us via this website. Personal information will be treated as confidential by us and held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You agree that such personal information may be used to provide you with details of services and products in writing, by email or by telephone. By submitting this information you have given your agreement to being contacted by us.